Shipping Policy

  1. Packages are transported by reputable national and international carriers with tracking within 2 days of payment confirmation. Whatever shipment option you select, we will send you a link to track your package online.
  2. Shipping costs include handling and packaging charges, as well as postage. Transport rates vary depending to the total weight of the shipment, whilst handling fees are set. We recommend that you group your items in one order. We are unable to combine two different orders, and shipping fees will apply to each of them. Your package will be shipped at your own risk, however particular precautions will be taken to preserve fragile items.
  3. Please keep in mind that shipping rates do not include any customs duties incurred by the receiving country. These will be borne by the client if applicable in their country.
  4. Boxes are generously proportioned, and your belongings are well-protected.
  5. Our courier partners will be able to deliver the shipment to you between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Public holidays and Sundays are not considered working days. Delivery times are subject to factors beyond our control, such as unforeseen travel delays from our courier partners and carriers caused by weather and strikes.
  6. We will email you your shipment tracking information as soon as it ships.
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